Year 3
Internet Safety Day 2025
This week, the children have been learning all about Internet safety. This year's theme is 'Too good to be true?' - where the children have learnt all about what a SCAM is. We kicked off our learning by having a whole school assembly to introduce the theme and to discuss how we can keep safe online. The children then completed lots of fun activities in their classrooms, to show their learning and understanding of this year's theme.
Year 3 Internet Safety Day 2025
Professor McGinty
Professor McGinty
Hoo Zoo and Dinosaur Park
Hoo Zoo and Dinosaur Park
In science we have been exploring different types of rocks and their uses. We have been carrying out investigations to find which type of rock is best used for a kitchen worktop, a statue and a skate park, based on their properties.
In RE we have been exploring how God wants us to treat the world and thinking of things we can do to carry out his wishes. We went on a local walk of the area, litter picking in our surroundings.