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Welcome to FOTS

(Friends of Tardebigge School)

The Friends of Tardebigge School are a group of Parents, staff  and others who work together to raise funds for the benefit of our children and their school. All parents and guardians are automatically members of the Friends Association and are most welcome to join the meetings which are held on a regular basis to plan forthcoming events.

We are a welcoming Committee which communicates with parents via regular newsletters and our facebook. Involvement is an excellent way of forming new friendships and helping the school to obtain items they might not otherwise be able to have..

Each year we hold a number of events including:

  • Bags2school
  • Christmas Fayre
  • Cinema Night
  • Raffles
  • Chocolate Raffles
  • Refreshments for plays etc.

To see what FOTS is all about please come and attend one of our meetings or give your name, telephone number and email address to the school office and they will forward it to one of the team members who will be happy to get in touch with you.

FOTS members are always around & about in the school playground, so please feel free to stop and introduce yourself at any time.Remember you can find us on Facebook for regular updates (search 'FOTS' or Friends of Tardebigge First School')