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Personal enquiries regarding admission to the school are always welcome, however we trust the following information will help you with the process.

Please do look at the relevant admission policy (below) for the year of admission.

If you have any queries about our admission please call the office on 01527 872886 or email office@tardebigge.worcs.sch.ukPlease read our admissions policy carefully. 

Admission for September 2025

  • The application window for Admissions for September 2025 is now open.
  • The closing date for applications is 15 January 2025.
  • The Admissions Policy for Tardebigge School can be found below in the Admissions Policies section.  
  • All applications should be made through the Worcestershire County Council here:  https://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/schooladmissions

School Admissions


School Search


Policies and Appeals


Booklets and Guides


Co-ordinated Schemes


Fair Access Protocol


Free School Meals


School Transport


Mid-term admission to school

Vacancies at September 2024

  • Year R - 1 space
  • Year 1 - 1 space
  • Year 2 - 1 space 
  • Year 3 - FULL 
  • Year 4 - 1 space

If you are interested in your child joining the school please do give us a call on 01527 872886, and complete the ‘Waiting List Application Form’, which is available below. Please note this form expires at the end of the current academic year. Should you wish to remain on a waiting list a new form must be completed each academic year.

Myth Busting and Tips 

  • Listing only one preference does not increase your chance of getting into that school.

• Applying for more than one school does not weaken your chances of getting a place at your preferred school.

• Naming schools that you are very unlikely to get as your second and third preferences will not increase your chances of getting your first preference school. The other schools you applied for are not considered when deciding who to offer places to.

• Applying for your catchment school does not mean you will be automatically offered a place there. If you can be offered a school which is higher on your list, you will be. If your catchment school is oversubscribed, you may not be offered a place. To check what your catchment school is you can go on line at: www.worcestershire.gov.uk/schoolsearch

• All on-time applications to a school are considered at the same time. Priority is not given to those who put the school first. The order in which you list the schools is only used if you could be offered a place at more than one school. In this case, you would be offered whichever of those schools was highest on your application form.

• Having gained admission for one child at a school does not guarantee a younger child will be admitted. Should the school be oversubscribed at the time of application of a younger sibling, catchment area may have a higher priority on the oversubscription criteria.

• Having gained admission to a school of your preference, does not mean your child will have highest priority for transfer to the related middle or high school. If the related middle or high school is oversubscribed at the time of transfer, your child might then have to move in a different direction from other children currently attending the same school.

  • You can name up to three schools on your application. You are strongly advised to use all three preferences to increase your chance of getting a preferred school.
  • You are advised to include your catchment school as one of your three preferences. However please note that you are not guaranteed a place at your catchment school. Check out which school you are in catchment for at the above link.
  • Do not put schools as a preference if you would be unhappy with the offer of a place at that school. It would be a waste of a preference if you were offered a place at a school that you would not be happy with your child attending.
  • If we are not able to offer a place at your preferred schools, we will name an alternative school with places. This will normally be the nearest school to where you live that still has places available.
  • Visit our website and read the section entitled ‘Is your child ready for school’: www.worcestershire.gov.uk/readyforschool

Be Realistic! Don’t waste all three preferences on schools that are unlikely to be able to offer your child a place. Have at least one school as a “safety net” where you are likely to be offered a place.

• When deciding who to offer places to, schools do not know what order you have listed them on your application or which other schools you have applied for – this information is confidential prior to allocation.

• Decisions about who to offer places to are made using the admission criteria only. Any other schools you may have applied to, has no bearing on the admission arrangements.

 Tardebigge School Admissions Policies